New Atmosphere Dryer Exhaust Products!

The Atmosphere product line - distributed exclusively through Panasonic in the US - has seen the release of some new products! Let's look at some of them and learn more!
1. The Dryer Exhaust Duct Power Ventilator - Part #: DBF-DEDPV

The DBF-DEDPV solves problems caused by long duct runs on clothes dryers. For years, dryer exhaust fans have been used in single and multi-family buildings with long dryer exhaust duct rungs. Many homeowners are delighted with the results.
This model:
Monitors internal pressure and notifies homeowner in case of a blockage
Quick and easy to clean
Has fast and easy wall mounted installation
Its 18Ga galvanized steel housing ensures long lasting rust protection
Has an integrated lint trap with low pressure drop
2. The Lint Trap LT4 - Part #: LT4

The LT4 is a secondary lint trap that is installed between the dryer and dryer exhaust ventilator.
This model:
Has a powder coated 24Ga galvanized steel box with 4" adapters
Provides fast and easy installation with finishing frame
Has a 4" window to monitor lint accumulation
Is equipped with a screen that filters the air that feeds into dryer exhaust fan, which can then be pulled out to be cleaned
3. The Slim Lint Trap - Part #: SLT

The Slim Line Trap is intended for stacked washer/dryer setups!
This model:
Has a 41 sq. inch filter area to increase dryer efficiency
Has a washable nylon filter screen
Has a 4" duct adapter
Has an aluminum extrusion body and slider
Reach out to your Pacific Product Sales Rep to learn more about these products and how they can help you!